Economic and social impact of engagement with Taiwan and China

Apr 28, 2022 15:00 - 16:30

China’s recent economic coercions against Lithuania, Australia and other countries have aroused tremendous concerns. Equally, the adverse effects of Chinese foreign aid to third countries have been repeatedly warned. This webinar, by tracing a series of China’s coercive measures and statistically testing the political and social consequences, assesses the effectiveness of China’s economic coercion and exposes the peril of Chinese aid. 

The event was co-organized by Taiwanese research institution Academia Sinica and MERICS.

Claudia Wessling - Director Communications and Publications, MERICS

Chien-Huei Wu - Associate Research Fellow, Academia Sinica
Wen-Chin Wu - Assistant Research Fellow, Academia Sinica

Max J. Zenglein - Chief Economist, MERICS

Flags China EU
Industrial Policy and Technology
Trade and Investment

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Oct. 10, 2023
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