Flags China EU

MERICS Members Day 2021

Nov. 02, 2021 10:00 - 17:00
Members only

This exclusive conference brought together MERICS Members and key stakeholders for a packed day of insights and discussions about the most relevant trends in China and its multifaceted relationship with Europe and the rest of the world.

MERICS experts presented and discussed their latest research and analysis on  

  • China’s economic development and the challenges for foreign business in a political environment of systemic competition, decoupling and sanctions
  • China’s ambitions to achieve technological independence and become a world leader in strategic industries
  • China's political trajectory ahead of and beyond the 20. Party Congress in November 2022
  • China’s role as a military power and Europe’s security interests in the Indo-Pacific Region

The MERICS Members Day was not only an opportunity for in-depth insights and updates, but also for an open and confidential exchange with practitioners from business and politics.


This event is part of the MERICS membership program

MERICS members had privileged access to this event. If you want to learn more about our membership model for institutions and businesses, please click here.